Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Definition: meter in a poem is the pattern of words that are either "stressed" or "unstressed" in a single line of poetry. The stressed and  unstressed signs are based on either there is a repititional form of the word that will be expressed through rhyming in others sections of the poem.


"Shall I com PARE thee TO a SUM mer’s DAY?"

There are 5 meters in this poem, because there are 10 syllables, and the second syllable in the line is a  poem. Therefore, there are 5. Five meters in a poem= a pentameter.

Significance: The importance of meters in a poem is that it can be used in many forms or types of poems. Mainly, it can be used to focus on the format/pattern of haikus, but there are also many other poems that require such number of patterns and the ideal format of meters.


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